Automatically discharging proof obligations

The Why tool implements a set of interfaces to a number of automatic theorem provers. With the exception of static_caching.mlw and interchange.mlw, all verification conditions can discharged by a combination of the Alt-Ergo, Simplify, CVC3, and Z3 provers.

The graphical interface of Why is recommended to test the examples. Running "gwhy loop_pipelining.h" opens the following window:

To check the examples with a ".c" extension, you must call the Frama-c tool with the jessie plugin, e.g.: "frama-c -jessie [filename.c]".

COQC Checking

Most of the examples, with the exception of static_caching, can be checked by typing
    coqc [filename]
(tested with Coq version 8.2pl1 )

(notice that a proper installation of the Why-Coq libraries is required)

The example static_caching must be checked with
    ssrcoq [filename]
(you need the SSreflect Coq extension installed.)

For a short explanation of each of the examples please refer to the long version of the paper.