Julián Samborski-Forlese
Computer Science Student

About me

I'm a Ph.D. Student at the Madrid Institute for Advanced Studies in Software Development Technologies (IMDEA Software Institute), Spain. I work under the supervision of César Sánchez. I obtained a Master in Programing and Software Technologies at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM), Spain. I previously obtained a degree in Computer Science at the Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Argentina.

Curriculum Vitæ

Here you can download the most updated version of my cv.

Research Interests

I'm interested in Formal Methods and Software Engineering in general, and in particular:

  • Formal Program Verification
  • Model Checking
  • Temporal Logic
  • Semantics and Design of Programming Languages
  • Compilers, Optimizations and Program Transformation
  • Scalable Systems


  • G. Barthe, C. Kunz, D. Pichardie, J. Samborski Forlese. Preservation of Proof Obligations for Hybrid Certification Methods. In Proceedings of the 6th IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering and Formal Methods, SEFM '08, pages 127-136, IEEE Computer Society, 2008.
    [ BibTeX | PDF | URL ]


  • Ad-Honorem Teaching Assistant on Functional Programming at the Computer Science Department of the National University of Rosario, Argentina, 2006.

Given Talks

  • Seminar: "A really brief introduction to Quantum Computation", together with Alejandro Diaz Caro (1.0h length) at JAI v.2.0, Argentina, 2006.
    [ Spanish slides ]

Courses Taken (Most Relevant)

  1. WECIQ, Pelotas, RS, Brazil, 2006.
  2. Posgraduate course on Quantum Computation and Information by Manuel Gadella, Rosario, Argentina, 2004.
  3. Introductory Courses on Information Security by CoreLabs Researchers, Rosario, Argentina, 2004.
My picture

Contact Information

Julián Samborski-Forlese
IMDEA Software Institute
Facultad de Informática (UPM)
Office 3316
Campus de Montegancedo S/N
28660 Boadilla del Monte, Madrid

Phone: +34 911 012 202 int. 4118
Fax: +34 911 011 358
Mobile: +34 695 704 130

Design shamefully stolen on Santiago Zanella Béguelin's homepage.