Mark Marron

IMDEA Software Institute

I am now at Microsoft Research in Redmond please visit my new homepage for the latest info!

Research Summary I am a Researcher at the IMDEA Software Institute in Madrid Spain. The topics I am currently investigating are:
  • Program Analysis, in particular I am working on analysis methods for the following memory properties:
    • Heap structure analysis
    • Identifying memory carried dependencies
    • Static estimation of object lifetimes
  • Applications for these analysis results:
    • IDE and Refactoring tools
    • Static error detection and testing
    • Optimizations for instruction and thread level parallelism
    • Memory Management

Publications (selected)
About Me

I am from Albuquerque, New Mexico (in the USA).

I attended UC Berkeley and obtained a BA in Mathematics as an undergraduate student. For my Ph.D. work I returned to New Mexico and received my Ph.D. from the
University of New Mexico under the supervision of Prof. Deepak Kapur.

I spent 2 years (2008-2010) as a Post Doc. at Imdea, followed by a brief time as a Visiting Researcher in the RiSE group at Microsoft Research in Redmond, before taking my current Researcher position at Imdea.