HLola: a Very Functional Tool for Extensible Stream Runtime Verification


We present HLola, an extensible Stream Runtime Verification (SRV) tool, that borrows from the functional language Haskell (1) rich types for data in events and verdicts; and (2) functional features for parametrization, libraries, high-order specification transformations, etc. SRV is a formal dynamic analysis technique that generalizes Runtime Verification (RV) algorithms from temporal logics like LTL to stream monitoring, allowing the computation of verdicts richer than Booleans (quantitative values and beyond). The keystone of SRV is the clean separation between temporal dependencies and data computations. However, in spite of this theoretical separation previous engines include hardwired implementations of just a few datatypes, requiring complex changes in the tool chain to incorporate new data types. Additionally, when previous tools implement features like parametrization these are implemented in an ad-hoc way. In contrast, HLola is implemented as a Haskell embedded DSL, borrowing datatypes and functional aspects from Haskell, resulting in an extensible engine (The tool is available open-source at http://github.com/imdea-software/hlola). We illustrate HLola through several examples, including a UAV monitoring infrastructure with predictive characteristics that has been validated in online runtime verification in real mission planning.

Proc. of the 27th Int’l Conf on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems (TACAS'21). Part II, vol 12652 of LNCS, pp 349-356. Springer, 2021
César Sánchez
César Sánchez
Research Professor

My research focuses on formal methods, in paricular logic, automata and game theory. Temporal logics for Hyperproperties. Applications to Blockchain.