Runtime verification of real-time event streams using the tool HStriver


We present in this paper the tool HStriver, an extensible stream runtime verification tool for monitoring real-time event streams. Real-time event streams are formed by events that contain rich data and can occur at arbitrary times. The rich expressivity of HStriver allows the specifications of quantitative semantics of logics like signal temporal logic (STL), including different notions of robustness. Stream runtime verification is a specification family of languages based on the clean separation between temporal dependencies and data computations. To encode the data values contained in the events (both read as inputs and produced as the result of computation) HStriver borrows a large subset of data-types from Haskell. These types are transparently lifted into the HStriver specification language and incorporated in the temporal engine, so they can be used as the types of the input (observations), output (verdicts), and intermediate streams. The temporal evaluation engine is agnostic of the types used in the specification. The resulting extensible language is then embedded into Haskell as an embedded Domain Specific Langauge. The availability of functional features in the specification language enables the direct implementation of desirable features in HStriver like parametrization (using functions that return stream definitions), etc. The resulting tool, HStriver, is a flexible and extensible stream runtime verification engine for real-time streams. We illustrate the use of HStriver on many sophisticated real-time specifications, including realistic STL properties of existing designs.

Formal Methods in Systems Desing. Springer, 2023
César Sánchez
César Sánchez

My research focuses on formal methods, in paricular logic, automata and game theory. Temporal logics for Hyperproperties. Reactive Synthesis Modulo Theories. Applications to Blockchain.