About me
I'm a postdoctoral researcher at the Madrid Institute for Advanced Studies in Software Development Technologies (IMDEA Software Institute), Spain. I work under the supervision of César Sánchez. I obtained a Master in Software and Systems at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), Spain. I previously obtained a degree in Computer Science at the Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Argentina.
Curriculum Vitæ
Here you can download the most updated version of my cv.
Research Interests
I'm interested in Formal Methods and Software Engineering in general, and in particular:
- Formal Program Verification
- Runtime Verification
- Stream Runtime Verification
- Felipe Gorostiaga, César Sánchez: General monitorability of totally ordered verdict domains
- Paloma Pedregal, Felipe Gorostiaga, César Sánchez: A Stream Runtime Verification Tool with Nested and Retroactive Parametrization
- Felipe Gorostiaga, César Sánchez: Runtime verification of real-time event streams using the tool HStriver
- Felipe Gorostiaga, César Sánchez: Monitorability of Expressive Verdicts
- Felipe Gorostiaga, César Sánchez: HStriver: a very functional extensible tool for the runtime verification of real-time event streams
- Felipe Gorostiaga, César Sánchez: Nested Monitors: Monitors as Expressions to Build Monitors
- Sebastián Zudaire, Felipe Gorostiaga, César Sánchez, Gerardo Schneider, Sebastián Uchitel: Assumption Monitoring Using Runtime Verification for UAV Temporal Task Plan Executions
- Felipe Gorostiaga, César Sánchez: Stream runtime verification of real-time event streams with the Striver language
- Felipe Gorostiaga, César Sánchez: HLola: a Very Functional Tool for Extensible Stream Runtime Verification
- Martín Ceresa, Felipe Gorostiaga, César Sánchez: Declarative Stream Runtime Verification (hLola)
- Felipe Gorostiaga, Luis Miguel Danielsson, César Sánchez: Unifying the Time-Event Spectrum for Stream Runtime Verification
- Carlos Luna, Gustavo Betarte, Juan Diego Campo, Camila Sanz, Maximiliano Cristiá, Felipe Gorostiaga: A formal approach for the verification of the permission-based security model of Android
- Pablo Chico de Guzmán, Felipe Gorostiaga, César Sánchez: Pipekit: A Deployment Tool with Advanced Scheduling and Inter-Service Communication for Multi-Tier Applications
- Felipe Gorostiaga, César Sánchez: Striver: Stream Runtime Verification for Real-Time Event-Streams
- Pablo Chico de Guzmán, Felipe Gorostiaga, César Sánchez: i2kit: A Deployment Tool with the Simplicity of Containers and the Security of Virtual Machines
- Gustavo Betarte, Juan Diego Campo, Maximiliano Cristiá, Felipe Gorostiaga, Carlos Luna, Camila Sanz: Towards formal model-based analysis and testing of Android's security mechanisms
- Gustavo Betarte, Juan Diego Campo, Felipe Gorostiaga, Carlos Luna: A Certified Reference Validation Mechanism for the Permission Model of Android
Author: Felipe Gorostiaga
Supervisors: Gustavo Betarte, Carlos Luna
Co-Supervisor: Juan Diego Campo
Especificación e implementación de un prototipo certificado del sistema de permisos de Android
(Licentiate degree thesis) -
Author: Felipe Gorostiaga
Supervisor: Lars-Åke Fredlund
Co-Supervisor: César Sánchez
Towards a stream-based monitoring language for asynchronous systems
(Master's degree thesis) -
Author: Felipe Gorostiaga
Supervisor: César Sánchez
Theory and Practice of Stream Runtime Verification for Sequences and Real-Time Event Based Systems
(PhD thesis)

Contact Information
Felipe Gorostiaga
IMDEA Software Institute
Campus de Montegancedo S/N
28223 Pozuelo de Alarcón, Madrid
first 'dot' last 'at' imdea 'dot' org