\bibitem{mauborgne:rival05} {\sc Mauborgne, L., and Rival, X.} \newblock Trace Partitioning in Abstract Interpretation Based Static Analyzers. \newblock In {\em European Symposium on Programming (ESOP 2005)\/} (2005), M.~Sagiv, Ed., vol.~3444 of {\em Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, Springer-Verlag, pp.~5--20. @inproceedings{mauborgne:rival05, author = "Laurent Mauborgne and Xavier Rival", title = "Trace Partitioning in Abstract Interpretation Based Static Analyzers", booktitle = "European Symposium on Programming (ESOP'05)", volume = 3444, series = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science", year = 2005, publisher = "Springer-Verlag", editor = "M. Sagiv", pages = "5--20", }