Last update: October, 2024

Pierre Ganty

I am an associate Research Professor at the IMDEA Software Institute doing research in the fields of verification, language theory and automata theory. You can find more about my research output on DBLP,   Google Scholar,   ORCID,  and GitHub.


The language inclusion algorithm for Büchi automata introduced in our CAV’22 paper is part of Spot since version 2.12. Relevant details here.

Latest Work

Venue Title
FSTTCS 2024 A Myhill-Nerode style Characterization for Timed Automata With Integer Resets
arXiv report
RP 2024 Computing Reachable Simulations on Transition Systems
SPIN 2024 Learning the State Machine Behind a Modal Text Editor: The (Neo)Vim Case Study
Javier60 A Uniform Framework for Language Inclusion Problems
arXiv report
TACAS 2023 Antichains Algorithms for the Inclusion Problem Between ω-VPL
CAV 2022 FORQ-based Language Inclusion Formal Testing
arXiv report
Fundamenta Informaticæ A Congruence-Based Perspective on Finite Tree Automata

Complete list (dblp)

Short Bio

Pierre joined the IMDEA Software Institute in September 2009 after completing a nearly two years postdoc at the UCLA. He holds a joint PhD degree in Computer Science from the Université Libre de Bruxelles and from the Università Degli Studi di Genova, Italy that he obtained late 2007.

Further details in my CV.

Research Interests

Algorithmic verification techniques: design, complexity study and implementation. Verification of software systems with infinitely many states: unbounded control and/or data. Algorithmic model based bug finding techniques. Abstract Interpretation. Automatic refinement of abstract domains. Automata theory and Formal Languages. Petri nets.

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IMDEA Software Institute
Edificio IMDEA Software
Campus Montegancedo UPM
28223-Pozuelo de Alarcón, Madrid
Telephone: +34-91-101-2202 ext 4106

Copyright © 2024 Pierre Ganty