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Home > News > 2023 > The second My I[M]DEA Poster Competition culminates with three winning posters from a total of 13 participants and a Lightning talk winner

June 19, 2023

The second My I[M]DEA Poster Competition culminates with three winning posters from a total of 13 participants and a Lightning talk winner


Andrea Iannetta, HR Assistant, Blanca Gutiérrez, Communication Manager and IMDEA Software predoctoral researchers Antonio Zegarelli, Diego Castejón, Fernanda Andrade, Graciana Aad, Ignacio Ballesteros, Kevin van Liebergen, Konstantinos Papaioannou, Lisa Vasilenko, Miguel Morona, Nicolas Manini and Rémy Defossez have participated in “My I[M]DEA Poster Competition” presenting posters, last 15th of June.


The event began at 10:30, with lightning presentations in which the 13 participants had up to one minute to capture the attention of the attendees and invite them to stop by their poster to explain their work in detail.

From 11:00 to 12:30 the participants were able to attend to all those who were interested in their posters and tell them about their object of study. In addition, some of them also had the opportunity to listen to other participants.

After the presentations, the jury, composed by Alessandra Gorla, Alessio Mansutti, Dario Fiore, Marco Guarnieri and Thaleia Doudali, met to share scores and deliberate.


First, the prize for the best lightning presentation was announced, which went to Ignacio Ballesteros, and then the three prizes for the best posters were announced. Diego Castejón won the first prize for his poster “Intermediated Anonymous Purchase” based on an article also authored by Pedro Moreno-Sánchez. Nicolas Manini obtained the second prize with the poster entitled “Complete Abstraction on Bounded Domains”, based on the article “Deciding Program Properties via Complete Abstractions on Bounded Domains” also authored by R. Bruni and R. Gori. And finally, Graciana Aad with the poster “Connecting the Hidden Dots: Unraveling Relationships between Indicators of Compromise”, supervised by Juan Caballero.

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