IMDEA Software

Iniciativa IMDEA

Inicio > Ofertas de empleo > PhD student in cryptography
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PhD student in cryptography

The IMDEA Software Institute invites applications for a PhD student in the area of Cryptography. The successful candidate will work under the supervision of Dario Fiore on constructions and applications of cryptographic protocols. Topics of particular interest include: zero-knowledge proofs, succinct proof systems and verifiable computation, computation on encrypted data.

Who should apply?

The ideal candidates have earned (or are in their last year of) a Master’s degree in Computer Science, Mathematics or a related discipline, and have a background in Cryptography. Experience in research or implementation of cryptographic protocols will be considered a plus.

Working at IMDEA Software

Ranked among the Europe’s top research institutes in Security and Cryptography, the IMDEA Software Institute offers an inspiring and dynamic collaborative environment with a focus on foundations and applications of cryptography. The Institute is located in the vibrant city of Madrid. The institute provides a competitive salary and funding for research-related travel. The working language at the institute is English.


The position will span the entire duration of doctoral studies. The starting date is flexible from October 2024.

The deadline for applications is July 15th, 2024. Review of applications will begin immediately, and continue until the position is filled.

How to apply?

The application requires: a CV indicating relevant coursework, projects and experience; a motivational letter; possibly the names of 2-3 persons that can provide references about you and your work.

Applicants interested in the position should submit their application at by selecting the option PhD Student and using reference code 2024-06-phd-picocrypt.

The recruitment process will comply with the IMDEA Software Institute’s OTM-R Policy.

For enquiries about the position, please contact: Dario Fiore <>