IMDEA Software

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Inicio > Eventos > Charlas Invitadas > 2009 > Search Based Testing from State Machines
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Rob Hierons

viernes 18 de septiembre de 2009

11:00am IMDEA conference room

Rob Hierons, Professor of Computing, School of Information Systems, Computing and Mathematics, Brunel University, Uxbridge, Middlesex, UK

Search Based Testing from State Machines


Software testing is widely recognised to be an expensive, error prone and time consuming process and this has led to much interest in automated test generation. In recent years, search based techniques such as Genetic Algorithms have been applied to a range of test automation problems but much of this work has concerned white-box testing. This talk will provide an overview of recent progress in Search Based Software Testing (SBST) in the context of model based testing. Specifically, it will review work on the use of SBST methods in testing from finite state machines and extended finite state machines.