Tuesday, February 18, 2025
Jorge Gallego, PhD Student, IMDEA Software Institute
On the Existential Theory of the Reals Enriched with Integer Powers of a Computable Number
This paper investigates ER(r^Z), that is the extension of the
existential theory of the reals by an additional unary predicate r^Z
for the integer powers of a fixed computable real number r > 0. If all
we have access to is a Turing machine computing r, it is not possible
to decide whether an input formula from this theory
satisfiable. However, we show an algorithm to decide this problem
- r is known to be transcendental, or
- r is a root of some given integer polynomial (that is, r is
In other words, knowing the algebraicity of r suffices to circumvent
undecidability. Furthermore, we establish complexity results under the
proviso that r enjoys what we call a polynomial root barrier. Using
this notion, we show that the satisfiability problem of ER(r^Z) is
- in EXPSPACE if r is an algebraic number, and
- in 3EXP if r is a logarithm of an algebraic number, Euler’s e, or
the number pi, among others.
To establish our results, we first observe that the satisfiability
problem of ER(r^Z) reduces in exponential time to the problem of
solving quantifier-free instances of the theory of the reals where
variables range over r^Z. We then prove that these instances have a
small witness property: only finitely many integer powers of r must be
considered to find whether a formula is satisfiable. Our complexity
results are shown by relying on well-established machinery from
Diophantine approximation and transcendental number theory, such as
bounds for the transcendence measure of numbers. As a by-product of
our results, we are able to remove the appeal to Schanuel’s conjecture
from the proof of decidability of the entropic risk threshold problem
for stochastic games with rational probabilities, rewards and
threshold [Baier et al., MFCS'23]: when the base of the entropic risk
is Euler’s e and the aversion factor is a fixed algebraic number, the
problem is (unconditionally) in EXP.