UPM / IMDEA Software Institute Specialization Track in Software Development through Rigorous Methods (2017-2018)
Table of Contents
Note: this course is taught at the the IMDEA Software Institute (in the Montegancedo Campus, 500 m. from the CS School). Please get in touch with the coordinator or one of the instructors for more details regarding the exact meeting place and possible schedule changes.
This course has specific requirements. If you are not a student affiliated to the IMDEA Software Institute, please follow these instructions. If you do not follow them, you may be asked to register in some other course.
Master Thesis (Fall semester/Spring semester)
All the participating faculty members from the IMDEA Software Institute
15 credits (ECTS)
Acceptance of an adviser.
Course web page (if any)
Not yet available.
Summary and objectives
Write a master thesis.
Agreed on between student and adviser.
Public defense with academic committee.
Recommended reading
Depends on topic, agreed on between student and adviser.
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