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Boris Köpf

Boris Köpf
Affiliate Faculty
Researcher, Microsoft Research, Cambridge, United Kingdom

Telephone: +34-91-101-2202 ext 4108
Home Page:

Short bio

Boris joined the IMDEA Software Institute in September 2010 after completing a Ph.D. in the Information Security group of ETH Zurich and working as a postdoc in the Information Security and Cryptography Group of the Max Planck Institute for Software Systems. Before that, he studied mathematics at the Universidad de Chile, the Universidade Federal de Campinas, and the University of Konstanz, from which he received a M.Sc. degree.

Boris’ research focuses on the foundations of computer security. In particular, he is interested in quantitative notions of security, and in techniques for computing corresponding guarantees for real systems. He applies his research to the analysis of side-channel attacks (and countermeasures) and to privacy-preserving data publishing.

For further information please visit his personal homepage.

Research Interests

Security, privacy, program analysis.