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Pedro López

Pedro López
PhD - Technical University of Madrid (UPM), Spain
Affiliate Faculty
Tenured Researcher, CSIC, Spain

Office: 370
Telephone: +34-91-101-2202 ext 4109

Short bio

Pedro López-García received a MS degree and a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the Technical University of Madrid (UPM), Spain in 1994 and 2000, respectively. On May 28, 2008 he obtained a Tenured Researcher position at the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) and joined the IMDEA Software Institute. Immediately prior to this position, he held associate and assistant professor positions at UPM and was deputy director of the Artificial Intelligence unit at the Computer Science Department. He has published more than 60 refereed scientific papers, many of them at conferences and journals of high or very high impact. He served as the local principal investigator of the European projects ES_PASS “Embedded Software Product-based ASSurance”, and the FP7 FET ENTRA “Whole-Systems Energy Transparency”. He has also participated as a researcher in many other international, national, and regional projects.


My list of publications at DBLP.

Research Interests

Energy-aware software development. Multi-language analysis, verification and optimization of non-functional properties, mainly resource usage (energy, execution time, user defined), but also determinism and non-failure, etc. Low energy and highly parallel computing in different application domains: Internet of Things, Healthcare, Big Data, and HPC. Automatic static profiling of resources. Resource-aware program synthesis. Abstract Interpretation. Automatic control of resources in parallel and distributed computing. Tree automata. Type systems. Constraint and logic programming.