Event Correlation: Language and Semantics


Event correlation is a service provided by middleware platforms that allows components in a publish/subscribe architecture to subscribe to patterns of events rather than individual events. Event correlation improves the scalability and performance of distributed systems, increases their analyzability, while reducing their complexity by moving functionality to the middleware. To ensure that event correlation is provided as a standard and reliable service, it must possess well-defined and unambiguous semantics. In this paper we present a language and formal model for event correlation with operational semantics defined in terms of transducers. The language has been motivated by an avionics application and includes constructs for modes in addition to the more common constructs such as selection, accumulation and sequential composition. Prototype event processing engines for this language have been implemented in both C++ and Java and are now being integrated with third-party event channels.

Proc. of the 3rd Int’l Conf. on Embedded Software (EMSOFT'03), vol 2855 of LNCS, pp 323-339. Springer, 2003
César Sánchez
César Sánchez

My research focuses on formal methods, in paricular logic, automata and game theory. Temporal logics for Hyperproperties. Reactive Synthesis Modulo Theories. Applications to Blockchain.