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... Mobius IST-15905

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France Télécom


France Télécom is one of the world's leading telecommunications carriers, with 117,1 million customers on the five continents (220 countries and territories) and consolidated operating revenues of 46.1 billion euros for 2003. Through its ma jor international brands, France Télécom provides businesses, consumers and other carriers with a complete portfolio of solutions that spans local, long-distance and international telephony, wireless, Internet, multimedia, data, broadcast and cable TV services. France Télécom is the second-largest wireless operator and Internet access provider in Europe, and a world leader in telecommunications solutions for multinational corporations.

The research and development division provides innovation thrust for France Télécom and its subsidiaries, in France and abroad. Its role is to anticipate revolutions in technology and customer use, providing innovation to offer customers the best from telecommunications. The research division results have put the Group in the lead position in Europe in terms of telecommunications research and development.

Fields of expertise

The mission of the research team involved in the pro ject is to provide expertise on test, validation and verification of software to other entities in France Télécom. The main fields of expertise are the development of interactive proofs (expertise and contributor to the Coq proof assistant), static analysis (mainly for Java program analysis), model-checking and automatic test generation. This expertise is applied to protocols, software and systems validation. The team has a high level of expertise on Java for embedded terminals (J2ME) and its application profiles.

The team helps the mobile telecommunication business unit to set up its own certification process for the downloadable applications available on its portals and develops automatic tools based on static analysis. It also contributes to the specification and development of more secure execution environments for mobile terminals.