Computational Logic, Implementation, and Parallelism (CLIP)
Group at the Technical University of Madrid (UPM) is strongly
committed to developing solutions which at the same time constitute
quality research with a strong theoretical foundation and result in
clearly applicable technology. The group has a long and active
research history in program analysis, implementation of sequential and
parallel systems, visualization, and program development environments
(including static/dynamic debugging and user interfaces). A number
of popular products in (Constraint) Logic Programming include the
results of these research efforts.
The group has been involved in more than 25 current and past European
research projects, working groups, thematic networks, and other
international and domestic projects, over the past 12 years (among the
past ones, we may cite, the ESPRIT projects
ParForCe, and
HCM Abile program, and
COMPULOG II/III Networks of Excellence).
UPM has also collaborated with a large number of companies in
different projects (transferring technology to industry).
Additionally, UPM's
Ciao Prolog System, as well as some related tools,
are being used by industries in the development of several products
including WWW interfaces, B2B systems, and agent systems.
Fields of expertise
The CLIP Group at UPM has a long and active research history in the
field of Advanced Programming Languages and Techniques. Research
results in the theory and practice of program analysis, debugging and
verification, transformation and optimization, parallelizing
compilers, development environments, system implementation, and
visualization have been published in a large number of international
journals and conferences. These results have been applied to the
design of widely used and actively maintained products, including
CiaoPP, a program analysis and verification system, integrating
abstraction carrying code, which supports multiple paradigms of
programming (including constraint, logic, functional and
object-oriented programming).
UPM will contribute expertise in the area of PCC, and, in particular,
automatic generation and checking of certificates referring to complex
properties of programs, such as upper and lower bounds on resource
usage, i.e., inferring upper and lower bounds on data sizes, memory
usage, and compute time. The main technique UPM will use is abstract
interpretation, which lies somewhat in between the type-based and the
logic-based approaches, in the sense that it is fully automatic, but
allows more general properties than those handled by traditional type
UPM has defined and implemented several analysis frameworks for
(constraint) logic languages, with applications ranging from automatic
detection of parallelism to performance improvement through better
compilation. The information obtained from such an analysis has also
been used to discover inconsistencies with respect to program
assertions to drive static/dynamic debugging tools.
Involvement in related initiatives
The UPM team is currently coordinating the EU IST FET Programme
ASAP "Advanced Specialization and Analysis for Pervasive
Systems"; is involved in EU IST Programme Project IST-2004-511618
GridCoord "ERA Pilot on a co-ordinated Europe-wide initiative in Grid
Research"; is a node of
CologNet "The EU Network of Excellence in
Computational Logic" (being also coordinator of its Implementation
Technologies area); is a member of
AgentLink "The Agent-Based
Computing Network."
At a national level, the UPM team also leads the project
"Optimized Compilation Techniques for Pervasive Computation."
Germán Puebla and
Manuel Hermenegildo