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César Sánchez

César Sánchez
PhD - Universidad de Stanford, EE.UU.
Research Professor

Despacho: 314
Teléfono: +34-91-101-2202 ext 4105
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Short bio

César Sánchez joined the IMDEA Software Institute in 2008, after a short post-doc at University of California at Santa Cruz, USA. He received a Ph.D. in Computer Science from Stanford University, USA in 2007, and a M.S in Computer Science in 2001 also from Stanford University, USA. Before that, César received an MSEE (Ingeniería de Telecomunicación) from the Technical University of Madrid (UPM), Spain in 1998.

My research areas include formal methods and distributed systems, in particular lightweight techniques that can be combined with existing software processes to increase the confidence on the quality of a design, for example by formaly imposing some property. Other applications include run-time verification, reactive synthesis and specification logics for security and concurrency.

For a list of publications or further information please see my personal website.

Research Interests

Applications of logic to computer science, and applicable formal methods for the design, analysis and verification of distributed systems, real-time systems and embedded systems. Formal methods for Blockchain and smart contracts.