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Nataliia Stulova

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Nataliia Stulova
MS - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, España
Antiguo PhD Student

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About me

I am a recently graduated PhD candidate here at IMDEA Software Institute. During my PhD I was working under the supervison of Manuel Hermenegildo and José Francisco Morales.

I have obtained a Master of Sciences in Artificial Intelligence (MUIA) degree from the Technical University of Madrid (UPM) in 2013. Before that I was studying applied system analysis at the National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" (NTUU "KPI").

My research currently focuses on software specifications and improving efficiency of the tools working with them. I’m also a member of the CLIP lab and one of the Ciao Prolog System developers.

This is my CV.

Journal papers

Conference Proceedings

Workshop Proceedings


Research Interests

Program specifications, run-time software verification, specification-based testing, program synthesis and transformation, declarative programming, artificial intelligence.