IMDEA Software

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Inicio > Personal > Pierre Ganty

Pierre Ganty

Pierre Ganty
PhD - Universidad Libre de Bruselas, Bélgica
Associate Research Professor

Despacho: 356
Teléfono: +34-91-101-2202 ext 4106
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Short Bio:

Pierre joined the IMDEA Software institute in the Fall 2009 as a tenure-track assistant professor and was promoted to associate research professor in late 2015. He holds a joint PhD degree in Computer Science from the University of Brussels, Belgium and from the University of Genoa, Italy awarded in the Fall 2007. Prior to join IMDEA, he spent almost two years as a postdoc at the University of California, Los Angeles. From 2010 until 2013, he held a Marie Curie COFUND Fellowship and a Ramon y Cajal grant from 2018 to 2023.

Research Interests:

Automata theory and formal language theory. Verification of computing systems with infinitely many states. Abstract interpretation.