IMDEA Software

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June 25, 2024

IMDEA Software holds the annual poster competition meeting between students at the center

Last Friday, 21 June, we held “My I[M]DEA Software: Poster Competition”, an annual event where interns and PhD students put their computer science research on paper.

On this occasion we had 11 participants: Konstantinos Papaioannou, Javier Gómez, Guruprerana Shabadi, Diego Castejón, David Balbás, Elvira Moreno, Marcos Grandury, Pablo Castellanos, Fatih Durmaz, Stephan Havermans, and Claudia Bartoli.

This year, as a novelty, the Institute’s women in software group (WiNS group) also presented a poster providing data on the penetration of women in the sector and with the aim of giving visibility to the need to achieve equality in computer science. Post-doctoral researcher Chana Weil-Kennedy was in charge of representing the group and explaining the poster to interested attendees.

The event started at 10:30 with the one-minute lightning talks, in which the participating students were tasked with engaging the audience with their posters. Attendees were able to participate by voting for their favourite participant.

After the talks, the judges’ round of poster judging began. Each participant was given four minutes to explain the content of their poster in detail. During this time, numerous attendees were able to approach the posters so that the participants could also explain the content of their posters to them.

Once the jury finished going through all the posters, they met to share their assessments and proceed to select the three best posters. The first prize was awarded to Claudia Bartoli for her poster “Secure Data Sharing Protocol for Advancing Floating Wind Energ: A Cryptographic Approach”; the second prize to David Balbás for “WhatsUpp with Sender Keys?”; and the third prize to Guruprerana Shabadi for “Programmatic Reinforcement Learning: Navigating Gridworlds”.

Researcher David Balbás was also awarded a backpack for being chosen by the audience for giving the best Lightning talk.