The research team involved in the Mobius project consists of two Chalmers
research groups:
Formal Methods groups.
The ProSec group explores security models and enforcement mechanisms based on programming-language technology. The group is involved in the following work packages and tasks. The leadership over a work package or task is marked with a

- Work Package 1: Security Requirements
- Task 1.1: Information Flow Security Policies
- Work Package 2: Type-Based Verification
- Task 2.1: Types for Information Flow Security
- Task 2.2: Mechanisms for Safe Information Release
- Work Package 6: Dissemination, training and exploitation
- Task 6.2: Dissemination activities
- Task 6.3: Liaison with other initiatives
The Formal Methods group has expertise in program verification, formal
specification, theorem proving and disproving, as well as
satisfiability checking. The group is involved in the following work packages and tasks. The leadership over a work package or task is marked with a

- Work Package 1: Security Requirements
- Task 1.1: Information Flow Security Policies
- Work Package 3: Logic-based verification
- Task 3.4: Modular verification
- Task 3.5: Combining type-based and logical analyses
- Work Package 5: Case studies
- Task 5.3: Evaluation of Logical verification techniquese
- Work Package 6: Dissemination, training and exploitation
- Task 6.2: Dissemination activities
- Task 6.3: Liaison with other initiatives
Contacts: Dr. Andrei Sabelfeld (site leader) Prof. Reiner Hähnle
- Tobias Gedell,
- Reiner Hähnle,
- Andrei Sabelfeld,
- David Sands,
- Dennis Walter,
- ...