The Systems Research Group (SRG), primarily the KindSoftware subgroup, in the
School of Computer Science and Informatics at
University College Dublin focuses on the systems aspects of computer science: how individual compoinents are created and composed to create large-scale, highly functional adaptive systems. The SRG conducts an extensive programme of research into autonomic and pervasive systems, contextual reasoning, software technology, design, analysis and visualisation of complex systems.
The group is involved in the following work packages and tasks. The leadership over a work package or task is marked with a

- Work Package 1: Security Requirements
- Task 1.3: Framework-Specific Security
- Work Package 3: Logic-based Verification
- Task 3.3: Multi-Threading
- Task 3.6: Program Verification Environment
- Work Package 4: Proof Carrying Code
- Task 4.1: Scenarios for Proof Carrying Code
- Task 4.4: Proof-Transforming Compiler
- Task 4.5: On-device Proof Checking
- Work Package 5: Case studies
- Task 5.3: Evaluation of the Logical Verification Techniques
- Work Package 6: Dissemination, Training and Exploitation
- Task 6.2: Dissemination activities
- Task 6.3: Liaison with other initiatives
Contact: Dr. Joseph Kiniry