The University of Edinburgh
The Mobius team at Edinburgh are from the
Mobility and Security group in the
Laboratory for Foundations of Computer Science (LFCS). This is a research institute within the
School of Informatics, carrying out fundamental investigations in theoretical computer
science. Established in 1986, it has a high international
reputation and currently comprises around 40 academic and
research staff, including seven full professors. The LFCS runs an active PhD
program, attracting excellent students from across the world, and many
alumni have gone on to lead research groups at other European universities.
School of Informatics at the University of Edinburgh is an internationally
leading research institution in the fields of Computer Science, Artificial
Intelligence and Cognitive Science. This breadth of study supports a range of
interdisciplinary connections, as well as the "critical mass" of the UK's
largest grouping of researchers in the field. It is the only department in
the UK to hold the top 5*A national rating for Computer Science research.
Fields of expertise
The research groups in LFCS have expertise covering a wide range of topics in
theoretical computer science. Several are relevant to Mobius: programming languages; type
systems; security; specification and verification; semantics and concurrency.
The Edinburgh team also has specific technical expertise arising from the
Mobile Resource Guarantees project undertaken in collaboration with
Ludwig Maximilian Universitat as part of the original FET Global Computing initiative. This
includes the construction of a resource-aware compiler (Camelot) targeting a
specialised form of Java byte code (Grail), with proofs of functional and
resource properties in a byte code logic.
These proofs are checked with a logic-based verifier built within the
proof assistant, and the team have also formally verified the soundness of
their logic against a resource-counting operational semantics. Both the tools
developed in MRG, and the experience of the researchers in building this
prototype PCC infrastructure for resource control, will be a significant input
to Mobius.
Key Personnel