Institute of Informatics of Warsaw University is one of three institutes within the
Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics,
Warsaw University. It currently has about 40 faculty positions (including 15 professors), a number of auxiliary positions for academic staff with M.Sci. degrees, about 50 PhD students enrolled for its PhD program, and a few technical and administrative support positions. The Institute is responsible for various forms of studies in Computer Science at the Faculty, including its 5-year MSc curriculum with annual enrolment of about 130 students selected in a highly competitive procedure, widely recognised by independent rankings as the best studies in Computer Sciences in Poland. The research carried out at the Institute covers many diverse areas of Computer Science. This includes work on software specification and development, functional programming and type theory, software engineering, data bases, algorithmics and complexity theory, artificial intelligence, applications of logic and universal algebra in foundations of computer science, etc. The Institute has been involved in a considerable number of research projects, within both national and international (mainly European) research programs.
Fields of expertise
The Institute of Informatics at Warsaw University has a strong background and gathers specialists in many foundational aspects of Computer Science including theoretical and more applied work on system specification and development, foundations of software engineering, semantics of programming, logics of programs, theory of programming languages, security, and type systems for both functional and object-oriented languages etc. It has also achievements in algebraic specification, model theory and unification. Moreover, the team consists of people involved in development of several modularised specification languages (EML, CASL) and has experience in using and development of proof checkers (Coq, PVS).
The group is involved in the following work packages and tasks. The leadership over a work package or task is marked with a

- Work Package 1: Security Requirements
- Task 1.3: Framework-Specific Security
- Task 1.4: Application-Specific Security
- Work Package 3: Logic-based Verification
- Task 3.1: Byte Code Specification and Verification
- Task 3.2: Logic for Resources and Information Flow
- Task 3.5: Combining Type-based and Logical Analyses
- Task 3.6: Program Verification Environment
- Task 3.7: Annotation Generation
- Work Package 4: Proof Carrying Code
- Task 4.2: Certificates
- Task 4.3: Generation of Certificates
- Work Package 6: Dissemination, training and exploitation
- Task 6.2: Dissemination activities
- Task 6.3: Liaison with other initiatives
Team members
Aleksy Schubert, and
Andrzej Tarlecki, and
Jacek Chrząszcz.