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Research intern in Systems

The IMDEA Software Institute (Madrid, Spain) invites applications for a research internship in the area of Systems. The successful candidate will join the group led by Prof. Zsolt István to work on a project within the areas of distributed systems, blockchain and FPGA-based accelerators.

Who should apply?

Applicants should be final year BSc or MSc students in computer science, computer engineering, electric engineering or a related discipline. Strong knowledge of computer architecture and solid programming skills are required. Prior experience with FPGAs is desired. Familiarity with distributed systems, databases, operating systems and networking are a plus.

Working at IMDEA Software

The position is based in Madrid, Spain, where the IMDEA Software Institute is situated. The institute provides for travel expenses and an internationally competitive stipend. The working language at the institute is English.


The internship duration is intended to be for 3-6 months. The ideal starting period is from June 2019.

How to apply?

Applicants interested in the position should submit their application at selecting option Intern and reference code 2019-02-intern-systems. Deadline for applications is May 1st, 2019. Review of applications will begin immediately.

For enquiries about the position, please contact: