The IMDEA Software Institute invites applications to fill in the position of Deputy Director of the Institute.
The Deputy Director works in close collaboration with the Director and the General Manager, under the guidance of the Scientific Advisory Board and the Board of Trustees. Its role includes assisting and, if necessary, replacing the Director in all the tasks related to the direction of the Institute.
Among these tasks we can cite: deciding the yearly budget and the operational plan for the Institute; allocating existing resources to execute these actions; overseeing the different departments of the Institute; ensuring that the Institute complies with all the applicable regulations; representing the Institute in regional, national and international organizations and meetings; working towards creating a healthy and beneficial relationship with the different stakeholders (academic and research institutions, companies, etc.) in the R+I+D ecosystem where the Institute places itself; promoting the Institute and its results in the adequate fora; and any other task that may be necessary to accomplish the mission of the Institute.
The Deputy Director is expected to be a well-known researcher in an area aligned with the areas of research activity of the Institute, and continue doing research while in the Deputy Director position.
Candidates should hold a tenured position or equivalent in a University, research center, or institution / company where research is a first-class activity.
Candidates are expected to have experience in managing teams, funding, and research; to be internationally known in the field of Computer Science; and to have an excellent level of both English and Spanish. Good knowledge of the Spanish and European research and higher education landscape is very highly desirable, as is a dense network of contacts in the local and national research and higher education communities. Demonstrated ability to establish new contacts, seek collaboration opportunities, and handle situations with uncertainty will be highly valued.
Due to the duties inherent to the Deputy Director role, the selected candidate is expected to commit to serve in that position for at least three years. A regular hiring process will take place for the selection of the candidate; however, tenure at the Institute will not be granted before this three-year period.
The position is based in Madrid, Spain, where the IMDEA Software Institute is located. The institute provides for travel expenses, internationally competitive working conditions, and a continuous package to fund interns, PhD students, and postdocs. The working language at the IMDEA Software Institute is English.
The position is expected to start as soon as a candidate is appointed and all the necessary bureaucratic procedures have been finished.
Applicants interested in the position should submit their application at using reference code 2024-06-faculty-depdir. Review of applications will begin immediately. The application period will finish on July 31st, 2024.
The recruitment process will comply with the IMDEA Software Institute’s OTM-R Policy.
Prospective applicants are welcome to schedule an appointment with the Director by sending an email at the address to clarify any doubts regarding the conditions and duties for this position.