IMDEA Software

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Inicio > Personal > Manuel Clavel

Manuel Clavel

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Manuel Clavel
PhD - Universidad de Navarra, España
Antiguo Associate Research Professor

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Short bio

Manuel Clavel received his Bachelor’s degree in Philosophy from the Universidad de Navarra in 1992, and his Ph.D. from the same university in 1998. Currently, he is Deputy Director and Associate Research Professor at the IMDEA Software Institute, as well as Associate Professor at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. During his doctoral studies, he was an International Fellow at the Computer Science Laboratory of SRI International (1994 - 1997) and a Visiting Scholar at the Computer Science Department of Stanford University (1995 - 1997). His Ph.D. dissertation was published by the Center for the Study of Language and Information at Stanford University. Since then, he has published over 30 refereed scientific papers. He has also been involved in the supervision of 3 Ph.D. students (1 completed).

His research focuses on rigorous, tool-supported model-driven software development, including: modeling languages, model quality assurance, and code-generation. Related interests include specification languages, automated deduction, and theorem proving.

Research Interests

Formal specification and verification, and rigorous tool supported modeling and validation of software systems.