14th International Workshop on OCL and Textual Modeling Applications and Case Studies (OCL 2014)
Co-located with ACM/IEEE 17th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS 2014)
Each paper will have 20 minutes of presentation and 10 minutes of discussion time.
9:00-10:30. Session 1: Translating (Textual) Specifications
Textual, executable, translatable UML.
MQT, an Approach for Run-Time Query Translation: From EOL to SQL.
Incremental Checking of OCL Constraints through SQL Queries.
10:30-11:00. Break
11:00-12:30. Session 2: Validation, Formal Semantics, and Tools
Realizing Model Simplifications with QVT Operational Mappings. . slides
12:30-14:00. Lunch
14:00-15:30. Session 3: Improving the Usability of OCL and OCL Tools
Embedded OCL Integration and Debugging. . slides
- cdmCL, a Specific Textual Constraint Language for Common Data Model.
15:30-16:00. Break
16:00-18:00. Session 4: Pannel Discussion "Proposals on Improving OCL".
Panelists: A. D. Brucker, T. Clark, M. Gogolla, F. Jouault, E. Tenient, and B. Wolff.
18:00-18:30. OCL 2.5 Plans. Edward Willink. slides
9:00-10:30. Session 1: Translating (Textual) Specifications
Textual, executable, translatable UML.
MQT, an Approach for Run-Time Query Translation: From EOL to SQL.
Incremental Checking of OCL Constraints through SQL Queries.
11:00-12:30. Session 2: Validation, Formal Semantics, and Tools
Realizing Model Simplifications with QVT Operational Mappings. . slides
14:00-15:30. Session 3: Improving the Usability of OCL and OCL Tools
Embedded OCL Integration and Debugging. . slides
- cdmCL, a Specific Textual Constraint Language for Common Data Model.
16:00-18:00. Session 4: Pannel Discussion "Proposals on Improving OCL".
Panelists: A. D. Brucker, T. Clark, M. Gogolla, F. Jouault, E. Tenient, and B. Wolff.
Slides: frame. lambaExpressions. downcasts. activeOperations. subsetting. patters.
Accepted Papers
- Validation of a Security Metamodel for the Development of Cloud Applications. pdf.
MQT, an Approach for Run-Time Query Translation: From EOL to SQL. pdf.
Textual, executable, translatable UML.> pdf.
Towards Fixing Sketchy UML Models by Leveraging Textual Notations: Application to Real-Time Embedded Systems.> pdf.
Realizing Model Simplifications with QVT Operational Mappings. pdf.
Towards a Tool for Featherweight OCL: A Case Study On Semantic Reflection. pdf.
Incremental Checking of OCL Constraints through SQL Queries. pdf.
Validation of a Security Metamodel for the Development of Cloud Applications. pdf.
MQT, an Approach for Run-Time Query Translation: From EOL to SQL. pdf.
Textual, executable, translatable UML.> pdf.
Towards Fixing Sketchy UML Models by Leveraging Textual Notations: Application to Real-Time Embedded Systems.> pdf.
Realizing Model Simplifications with QVT Operational Mappings. pdf.
Towards a Tool for Featherweight OCL: A Case Study On Semantic Reflection. pdf.
Incremental Checking of OCL Constraints through SQL Queries. pdf.