IMDEA Software

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IMDEA Software Institute News

The newest assistant professor of the IMDEA Software Institute comes from Kolkata in India, and is passionate about food, travel, and science and technologies.
This breakthrough seeks to foster collaboration between industry and academia, driving innovation in floating wind technologies.
MixBuy is the first cryptographic protocol that simultaneously ensures a secure digital purchase and hides the relationship between store and customer.
This grant will provide her with 420,000 euros for 5 years to attract outstanding and talented young researchers from abroad and help them integrate into the Spanish research ecosystem.
The visit took place in order to seek synergies and avenues for collaboration with Italian research institutions and the technological ecosystem.
IMDEA Software researchers Gilles Barthe, Marco Guarnieri, David Mateos Romero and co-authors present LmSpec and LmTest, tools to safeguard cryptographic libraries from microarchitectural leaks.
Ignacio Cascudo's team has presented two papers so far this year related to confidential computing technologies and privacy preservation for the 6G network.
Event organized by the IMDEA Software Institute, on the occasion of the Madrid Science and Innovation Week.
On October 15, IMDEA Software and REDIMadrid held the conference at the center's auditorium.
The event took place at the Instituto de Ingeniería de España from October 28th to November 1st.
Once again, the Residencia de Estudiantes hosts the event coordinated by the Fundación para el Conocimiento madrimasd and framed within the Horizonte Europa Program.
The paper received the award because it industrialised the verification technology of refinement types and presented the tool Liquid Haskell that is actively used 10 years later both for education and software verification.
The flagship research meeting on Automata, Logic, Semantics, and Theory of Programming awarded Alessio and his coauthors Dmitry Chistikov and Mikhail Starchak for a paper providing a NP procedure to decide whether a linear-exponential system of constraints has an integer solution.
César Sánchez and David Rincón from REDIMadrid are part of the authors of the article that publishes the conclusions of three years of tests.
The FIXCHECK tool offers a robust and effective solution in the field of software maintenance, reveals bugs and prevents the introduction of inadequate corrections in the software.
Manuel Carro and María Alcaraz welcomed and accompanied the delegation on its tour around the Institute. Researchers Aleks Nanevski, Juan Caballero, Alessandra Gorla and Manuel Hermenegildo explained what IMDEA Software is working on.
The event took place at the Computer Science School of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid on July 5 and 6.
The event was hosted by the School of Engineering of the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, from June 26th to 28th
Last Friday, June 21, we celebrated "My I[M]DEA Software: Poster Competition", an edition with 11 participants
A team of researchers from the IMDEA Software Institute, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid and NEC Laboratories Europe has introduced a novel framework that promises to improve the efficiency and practicality of verifiable computation.
Researcher Luis Miguel Danielsson, advised by Professor César Sánchez, has defended his thesis, titled: “Decentralized and Distributed Stream Runtime Verification”
Researcher Joakim Öhman, supervised by Professor Aleks Nanevski, presented his thesis: "Compositional Reasoning of Concurrency with the Visibility Method"
As in previous editions, in 2024 the Institute participated in the Research and Innovation Space of the Madrid Regional Government.
Unveils a novel automated approach to attribution, significantly transforming the process of identifying entities responsible for cyberattacks
The Fair, which took place between March 7 and 9 at IFEMA, was attended by ten IMDEA Software researchers.
This is the second edition of an event that was born to publicize the science developed by women scientists of the Montegancedo Campus, on the occasion of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science.
IMDEA Software researcher Kyveli Doveri presented her doctoral thesis: "A Uniform Approach to Language Containment Problems" last Friday, February 16 at the ETSIINF of the UPM.
The workshop, given by Mike Young, was focused on aspects related to how to use social media to increase impact or how to engage with your peers and access opportunities, among other things
The IMDEA Software researcher made yesterday his thesis defense: “Succinct Cryptographic Commitments with Fine-Grained Openings for Decentralized Environments”
The event, organized by the Austrian Institute of Technology was a unique opportunity to discuss the latest trends in secure quantum communication.
The event, organized by the Autonomous University of Madrid and BeAble Capital, is the largest international meeting on deep science.